Enhanced Picture Settings

The “enhanced picture settings” are in principal digital image improvements however, these should be only used when necessary, when picture quality and transmission is excellent. They may improve the display with poor material, as well, but may adversely affect the display where transmission and picture quality are excellent.

Digital Noise Reduction (DNR): – This function can only be selected with digital reception sources and AV presets. It reduces any interference from artefacts (pixel blocks) from digital programmes due to MPEG compression (such as from DVB-T receivers and lower transmission rates or DVD players).

Noise Reduction (MPEG NR): – Reduces the "noise" areas by displaying the picture a bit sharper and creating a slight blur. Thus, it must be used as little as possible with good picture material.

Dynamic Contrast: – This function dynamically and optimally adjusts the contrast for the respective picture content by analysing images and then altering this depending on a change in contrast. This increase in the contrast however, may also reduce the visible brightness levels in the picture.

Micro Dimming: – Increases the level of details in dark pictures. The television divides the screen into small sections and analyses each section individually to determine the best brightness value. This ensures that more detailed pictures are obtained in dark contents.

Movie Maker Mode: – This function is automatically activated when a movie is detected. It closes the PQ blocks and displays the movie with the picture settings set by the cinematographer of the movie. The same colour temperature “Temperature”, brightness is set to 200 nits for a movie theatre experience.

Skin Colour: – This function provides the most accurate skin colour by adjusting the brightness and saturation specific to the skin colour.

Film mode: - Detects and processes feature films automatically for all channel sources. This means you will always receive an optimal picture. This functions in the modes 480i, 576i and 1080i in TV playback and for other channel sources. If the Film mode is switched on for programmes without a feature film signal, minor problems such as picture freeze, defective subtitles or fine lines in the picture could occur.

Blue intensity: – This function increases the blue intensity of white and grey tones and enhances the brightness perception.

Gamma: – This setting establishes which brightness value should be displayed for which digital transmission value. Most recordings are transmitted with a gamma value of 2.2 (all Windows PCs and newer PCs with a MAC operating system work with this; older MAC systems and transmissions without a colour profile mostly operate with a gamma value of 1.8).

Game Mode: – When this function is activated, the video delay is minimized (under 33 ms) and the video delays that may be encountered while playing games is prevented, creating a better gaming experience.

Computer Mode: – This function disables all advanced picture settings and displays the image as if it is watched through a monitor.

Color Transition Improvement: – This function provides smooth colour transitions by eliminating content-related errors in colour transitions.

MEMC: – Motion stabilization eliminates judder effects in motion content, providing a smoother viewing experience.

HDMI RGB interval: – This function sets the white - black interval of the TV according to the correct values depending on the device connected through the HDMI.

Low blue light: – This function reduces the amount of blue light emitted from the LEDs, allowing more natural light to be emitted from the TV screen and reducing eye strain.

Color area: – This function selects the colour area and displays the colours in the standard or wide scale.

Color Management System: – This function allows the brightness, contrast and tone of the colours to be adjusted separately. It is possible to adjust these settings separately for red, green, blue, magenta, black and yellow colours. With this function, advanced settings can be made in very specific contents.

11-Point White Balance Correction: – This function provides precise color temperature adjustment in different shades of grey. When content containing shades of grey is played on the screen, the red-green-blue components of the grey tones can be precisely adjusted separately with this function.